Landscape Paintings 2000-2009

The landscapes presented here, Ferguson’s last series of paintings, differ significantly from his past work. After breaking his arm in a car accident in 2008, Ferguson found himself unable to move his usual ropes, rods, and chains to his satisfaction. Unwilling to disrupt his studio practice, he returned to the paintings that inspired him as a young man after leaving the army. Drawing on his prodigious knowledge of art history, and using a cheap hardware store 2.5” roller, Ferguson painted directly on raw canvas with his good arm, synthesizing elements from Cezanne through the third and fourth string landscapes that form the bulwark of American art in the first half of the 20th century to Hartley. He even let himself do a variation on plein-air painting by driving around the back roads of Nova Scotia, a diet Coke in the cup holder, a cigarette in the ashtray, fabricating sketches through his car window and a modernist American lens. Although resoundingly irascible, Ferguson was delighted to find this unexpected new studio process was marked by the presence of joy. The results in his words: “Dangerously close to real painting.”

What Ferguson meant by that quip is that while it’s tempting to see these paintings as an abandonment of conceptual rigor, they are, in fact, an extension of his “anti-romantic polemic.” He thought of his painting process as a hypostasis, a scaffolding upon which he could build any work. By climbing onto it and mixing the marks, the motifs, even the aspirations of Hartley, Kandinski, Dove, and Pinkham Ryder, Ferguson guides us through an achingly clear tour of the structures that make up the history of landscape painting, particularly early 20th century works that aspired to transcendence. To Ferguson’s point, these works are both pictures of landscapes and paintings of landscape paintings, but, quixotically, they are not landscape paintings.

Rock Sea, 2009 Enamel on canvas 48 × 55 in / 121.92 × 139.70 cm